January through March
Burn brush piles from tree clearnings to open up savannas and woods done during fall 2022, while snow covers ground. City of Verona has also offered to pick up brush cleared to open areas
Invasive Plan Control: Oak Woodland and Oak Tree Line, Military Ridge Reserve, Prairie plantings, Sedge Meadow, BMC stream banks, and South Main Park from May to July.
Begin garlic mustard search and destroy – herbicide at first, hand pull and later/bag if seed viable. Herbicide resprouted brush from last summer’s brush cutting. Autumn olive is blooming, easy to recognize – good time to cut and herbicide.
Finish garlic mustard work – hand pull and remove from site. Search and remove other invasive weeds – Japanese hedge parsley, burdock, etc.
Mid-June to mid-July through summer plant dependent
Search and destroy “prairie weeds” including wild parsnip, white and yellow sweet clovers, curly dock, mullein, etc. Possible mowing for areas with high density.
October through December
Tree clearing – cut and pile – to open up savannas and woods. Includes buckthorn, invasive elms, large honeysuckle bushes, other undesirable or invasive trees.
Ice Age Trail Collaboration
To be scheduled if needed
Possible assistance with boardwalk reconstruction on segment from Oak woods north to Badger Mill Creek. Responsible parties – Ice AgeTrail and Dane County Parks.