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Three steering committee members have become Certified Land Stewards, approved and registered with DCP following completion of DCP training course.  This certification includes safety training (e.g., herbicide), access to DCP resources (e.g., expertise and tools) an allows them to work independently with little direct supervision on DCP property. Two steering committee members have also completed levels 1 and 2 chainsaw safety training conducted by a SAWW (safety and woods worker)-certified trainer, and have all required personal protective equipment.  Completion of level 1 allows participants to use a chainsaw on DCP property.

Invasive species control

Second to habitat loss, encroachment of invasive species is the largest threat to biodiversity in our natural areas.  There are many but garlic mustard, wild parsnip, Japanese hedge parsley, reed canary grass, teasel, honeysuckle, and buckthorn are some of the most damaging culprits present in the BMC corridor.  Left unchecked these species will become the dominant plants.  With persistent management habitat can be improved. Invasive species we targeted in 2022:

  • Boxelder/buckthorn removal organized by Trout Unlimited (Nov 2021)
  • Garlic mustard in wooded areas.  Herbicide treatment (organized by Ice Age Trail) on May 18.  Pulling organized by Friends on May 24 and 26.General invasive eradication on east end organized by DCP on June 24
  • Numerous parsnip and teasel cutting events in Military Ridge Reserve and fallow field to west.  Also, in replanted areas along multiuse path in June and July.

Site Improvement

Members participated in the following activities that enhance the BMCEC.

  • Identified young oak saplings near oak tree line in fallow field west of Military Ridge Reserve and placed corrugated tree guards on some.  More to do.

Environmental Advocacy

We would like to be a voice for environmental protection as competing needs and interests within the BMCEC arise.

  • Provided input on Phase 2 of MMSD sewer project regarding route selection to save several large trees along BMC, to avoid negative impact to large oak tree line immediately west of Military Ridge Reserve and in general minimize negative impact on the ecology of the site.
  • Discussion with Verona Public Works regarding storm water management (ditching) and impact on large oak line.

Inventory Map

This is in progress.  A map of the site is being developed that will show locations of quality features and invasive species.  This will aid in invasive species control

Work Plans

Annual maintenance and longer-term management plans are needed.  Ideally the BMCEC will be managed by the same or complementary plans that are coordinated across land owners.