Badger Mill Creek, is Verona’s treasured natural resource and outdoor recreation, flows south of Verona into the Sugar River. It is one of the only few designated trout streams in the county that is classified by the state as a trout stream. Many dollars and volunteer hours have been spent in the Badger Mill Creek area to restore, after the MMSD construction the East Sewer Interceptor project. This included repopulating trees and planting prairies and maintaining them by invasive species removal. Dane County spent at least $3 million in Badger Mill Creek land acquisition along with $300,000 in restoration efforts in 2021-2022. In addition, the City of Verona contributed $100,000 in restoration costs. The Southern Chapter of Trout Unlimited, have donated thousands of dollars and volunteered hundreds of hours in stabilizing stream banks and improving access.
Stream Bank Stabilization Results

Prairie Restoration (seeding and invasive removals efforts)

Lincoln Street Bridge Prairie Garden (2023)